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2008.12.10 Dusty Gas Flow behind a Shock Wave in a Flat Channel

The report "Dusty Gas Flow behind a Shock Wave in a Flat Channel" was presented at the lab regular seminar. Speaker: Oyuna Rybdylova.
Scientific adviser: Dr.Sci., prof. A.N. Osiptsov.


2008.12.05 Laboratory site opening!

Finally our lab site is launched! It containes everything we know about our lab! Welcome!

2008.12.03 Real hydrodynamic equations and Poiselle-like flows

The report "Real hydrodynamic equations and Poiselle-like flows" was presented at the lab regular seminar. Speaker: Ph.D. R.R. Aidagulov.

2008.11.21 Sergey Boronin defended Ph.D. thesis

On November 21, 2008 Sergey Boronin successfully defended Ph.D. dissertation. Thesis: Development of the Disperse Phase Flow Hydrodynamic Stability Theory. Our congratulations!

2008.11.19 Models of gravity convection of suspension in case of quick-response particles

The report "Models of Gravity Convection of Suspension in Case of Quick-Response Particles" was presented at the lab regular seminar.
Speaker: Yurii Nevskii,
Scientific adviser: Dr.Sci., prof. A.N. Osiptsov.

Copyright © 2008 Moscow State University. Institute of Mechanics. Laboratory 110 of Mechanics of Multiphase Media.

E-mail: osiptsov@imec.msu.ru

All rights reserved. Reproduction of the material or any part of the content in any form is prohibited without the written permission.