Investigations carried out in the laboratory, that was founded in 1974, are closely related to academic and scientific programs of Wave and Gas Dynamic chair, Aeromechanics chair of Mechanical and Mathematical faculty, MSU.
Academician of UzSSR Kh.A. Rakhmatulin and academician of RAS R.I. Nigmatulin, N.S. Khabeev and A.N. Osiptsov have been the scientific advisors of large series of research.
The research workers of the laboratory have published more than ten monographs, the most famous of which are the monographs by academician R.I. Nigmatulin «The fundamentals of mechanics of heterogeneous media» (Nauka, 1977) and «Dynamics of multiphase media» V.1-2 (Nauka, 1987), issued more than 200 scientific articles in russian and international journals.
There were defended 6 doctoral and more than 10 Ph.D. theses by the lab workers.
Fulfilled investigations on wave processes in bubble systems and heat transfer in high-speed two-phase flows as well were generally recognized by scientific community.
Special courses on mechanics of geterogeneous media were held by the laboratory researches for students and Ph.D. students of mechanical and mathematical faculty, MSU (R.I. Nigmatulin, N.S. Khabeev). The special course on dynamics of dusty gases is lectured by A.N. Osiptsov today. More than 20 Ph.D. theses were defended under directions of the lab researchers.
The most outstanding achievements of the lab workers are USSR State Award Winners(R.I. Nigmatulin, A.I. Ivandaev, N.S. Khabeev), USSR Minister Counsil Award Winner (R.I. Nigmatulin), USSR Academy of Sciences Yound Scientist Award and Medal Winner (A.N. Osiptsov), S.P. Kapitsa Medal Winner (A.N. Osiptsov, S.I. Zonenko).